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Tweet Follow @BORNCURIOUS Daily Question Blog: 08/01/2009 - 09/01/2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Public Option is not an option.It is the core of the health care plan! Stop playing games with us

The only way to reform the most corrupt health care system in the world is to let the Government run it. The doctors know this, the fat cat capitalists know this and above all the greedy Pharmasnootikal companies know this.

Our Social Security program and our Medicare program are the greatest relief efforts ever given to the poor, old,and oppressed in this country. Why do you think these loonies who want to protect their own nests are freaking out?

Every argument you hear being presented against this "option" was heard when SS was being debated and many decades later when Medicare finally passed.The rich do not want to give away one solitary dollar of their treasures.

To understand the mentality of the wealthy classes, read the classic Balzac novel, Eugenie Grandet where the miser Grandet each evening retires to his barricaded retreat in the cellar of his castle and metaphorically bathes in his gold bullions. He has the lost the love of his only daughter because of his affliction but he has all that he really needs, his bullions. With those bullions he can buy back her affection.

An over simplification perhaps but human evil and human greed are difficult to explain to people who are without desperately needed medicine or surgeries. Dramatizing what motivates the affluent is a fair weapon.

Richard H Thaler, a respected behavioral economist, addressed the pros and cons of the "public option" in yesterday's Sunday Times. Here is some of what he says:

"In debating the public option — that is, an insurance option run by the government —the politicians themselves are making exaggerated claims about its pros and cons. We hear from the right that an insurance plan run by the government will drive all private-sector insurers out of business and be the first step toward socialism, if not communism. The left claims that only a public option can give evil insurers the competition they need to create much-needed reform.

"Nailing down this detail is crucial. If the public option does not have to break even — if, in fact, it is to receive government subsidies — then it is correct to worry that it would destroy competition, not foster it. If the public plan runs a deficit, who will fix it? If it is Congress, we have to worry that what should be economic decisions will turn into political battles.

"A second detail is whether the government will grant the public plan the power to impose special deals with suppliers like hospitals and drug companies — a move that would dampen, not enhance, competition with the private sector.

Well I think Mr. Thaler is trying to straddle the middle here and that is not what this health care situation needs. It needs to be run by the government which of course is not going to foster competition. Who needs competition in life and death decisions anyhow?

Are we implying that doctors practice their profession for profits. I thought they took an oath to abide by a higher standard than collecting gold bullions.

Look,there are certain areas of life where competition is not needed. or desired and health is one of them. Let Uncle Sam monitor the doctors,nurses,surgeons,drug companies and the malpractice lawyers. It has worked out for many many years in SS and medicare

Socialized medicine will not lead to Communism. After all Medicare and SS legislation lead us to the Nixon,Reagan, Bush,Bush eras which were closer to fascism than to socialism.

Please President Obama do not short circuit your great pursuits before they get off the ground. Stand by the Public Option!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Al Szekley,the Nam vet evicted from a homeless shelter for being homeless, is just the tip of a gigantic iceberg!

Some additional information about Al Szekely first, and then a broader view of the homeless vet problem in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

HERE'S AL.................

Al is an ordained minister and the founder of "Chairs for Christ"-Supplying Medical equipment-(wheelchairs,crutches,braces,& etc.) to those in need.

Here are some quotes from him back in 2006 when he lived on the streets of Bethesda,Md.:

"One thing I do is keep my faith strong with God,"said the graying and bearded man. "The more adversity people face, they're going to gain faith or lose it. My faith is stronger. I can still smile, tell a joke, make someone laugh, make their day better.If you manage what little you got, you can make do"

"There need to be more shelters," he said. "But not of the kind most people think about.Shelters are no more than warehouses. I'm not talking about handouts. Give me an opportunity to go to school. Give me an opportunity for honest work. Homeless people need educational resources, job placement and training and some form of counseling to get you back into society."

Here are some facts and figures about homeless veterans from a wonderful, informative site

750,000 total homeless count in U.S
400,000 veterans are homeless at some time in a year
200,000 veterans homeless in any one night

27% of our male U.S. population are veterans but:
43% of all homeless males are veterans – why?

7688 beds funded by the VA for homeless veterans
192,312 sleeping elsewhere – shelters, grates, creek beds, back alleys. We have Heroes sleeping on sidewalks in every big city.

95% of homeless vets have honorable discharges

If the homeless veterans were properly cared for by our country, the total homeless population would fall by more than 40 percent over night.

Pretty powerful stats. Here are some quotes from those vets and their loved ones:

"They use the “addicted” and “mental” labels to scare the public about homeless veterans. They want the money. Adult veterans do not deserve bunk beds and shared group showers and rotten food bank food. Where does all the money go? Veterans are not allowed to get real job training in the shelters just “how to write your name” classes."

"Obama is now saying he’ll at least make sure the homeless veterans get “some type of transitional housing”; all that mean is more of the same overcrowded human warehouses, forced 12 step religion, more never-ending group therapy, bunk beds, open bay group showers, and when the veterans get so sick of that because the are not allowed to get real career training/education or PRIVACY…blow their heads off or back to the streets. Homeless veterans do not need jail conditions. they want to move on! Any agency that says “We give a hand up not a hand out” means they keep all the money given for the veterans and the veterans get squat!"

"I am so thankful for a website such as your own………I am at the same time very angry at the so called Christians in our present day society.. (I am one of them).I am so tired of hearing this prosperity message while there are homeless eeking out a meager existence under bridges…They are tortured souls, yet humiliated by their own society even further.Perhaps some of our leading evangelists could do away with $650.00 shoes, and Lear jets and put their money where their mouths are…Jesus said “feed the hungry,clothe the naked.” The answer to homelessness is the church.” It is our responsibility to do these things. Can you only imagine if we stopped building these enormous churches which cost millions upon millions to build and operate (cystal Cathedral is a good example), and started to put that money into the poor and homeless of this world, what huge differences we could make…God help us all who run around with the “What would Jesus do?” bumper stickers and let a world go hungry and naked.Explain this prosperity message to me a little more one of you big shot pastors wit a jet and 7 or 800,000 dollar homes……The men who made that a reality for you are homeless….Those veterans who fought for your freedom…..The church alone has the ability to stop homelessness and hunger………We should all pray and seek forgiveness…"

"My father is veteran of the Korean War, and we live in Roanoke, VA. The Salem, VA is the regional office for the State of VA. There are more homeless vets in this small city than in a lot of bigger cities surrounding us. I am looking into private funding to renovate 1 of many old houses here and try to house some of them. They deserve proper care, or better care than what they receive in the system. Proper food (a cook), proper health care (a full-time nurse), and a clean environment, service to assist their living habits daily. Just want to give back what my Dad did for this country. He is 77, retired and enjoying his life; all vets should do the same."

Think back to the beginning of every war that was ever fought and you can recall the marching bands, patriotic songs, flags waving from every house. Think back only a few years when the initial contingent of troops was sent to Iraq.

Zillions of tiny flags waving from car antennas and even more bumper stickers on those same cars shouting "Support Our Troops"

Where are the patriots now when those troops need them most?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

“They Arrested a Homeless Man in a Shelter for Being Homeless.”

So you thought that was impossible in Poor and Rich America?

( Second in a series about being poor and/or old in America)

It happened to Al Szekley,a Nam vet who was shot in the spine in Fu Bai in 1972.

I see vets like Al all over the place but especially at patriotic events in downtown assemblages all over America.

They usually sit on curbs right next to the band shell and they are usually fractured from the pot/booze combo. I am a sucker for people who are hurting, but when I see a Nam vet especially one in a wheelchair,I get a lump in my throat.There is a special glow about them almost like a halo.

Al was sitting in his permanent prison on wheels on G St. in D.C. He lives here and sleeps here now. At 62, he is just entering the ranks of the poor and old but he has been poor for decades.Eight months ago he was evicted from a homeless shelter because of an outstanding warrant which he never answered. The warrant was for sleeping on a sidewalk in a Washington suburb.

Follow me closely.

The odds are that if Al slept on a sidewalk in any city in America in his wheelchair they would just let him be. The keyword here is SUBURB.

It just happened that Al ran afoul of the law in Virginia but it could just have well have been in any ritzy suburb, let's say for an example ,Spring Lake, N.J.. They give you a ticket for parking your car in the street overnight in Spring Lake.

Can you imagine what those people in those 5 million dollar houses overlooking the Atlantic Ocean would do with this homeless vet sleeping in his wheelchair in front of one of those stately mansions?

Oh my God. Think of what it would do to their resale values? Oh the shame of it.

But back to Al Szekely. Let's look at the whole story. Obviously,I suspect you well off suburbans are thinking; Al must have a lot more in his background than is being covered by the left wing media.

Not so.

Al is an "ordained minister,who does not drink,do drugs or curse in front of ladies" according to Ms Ehrenreich, NY Times columnist.

So you see the headline to this article is real . I happens every day in Poor and Rich America.

They do arrest homeless men in a shelters for being homeless.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It's not as easy to be old and poor in America as it used to be.
Poor people die younger than the affluent,and the life expectancy gap is growing.

Nevertheless, the article on the Op-Ed page of Sunday's N.Y. Times might indicate some additional factors will dispose of the aged earlier. Apparently this would make the affluent breathe a lot easier. The article, by Barbara Ehrenreich suggests this might be the case and has an intriguing title:


Of course if they could just make it a crime to be poor maybe they could at least put the old and poor in prison. Out of sight, out of mind. Thus the affluent would not be reminded of the kind of society they have created. Make no mistake,that's what all that hub bub you saw on your TV news was about last evening.

This is not a Right vs Left battle any more.The wealthy are panicking as Obama begins his crusade;The capitalists in his own party are fighting him tooth and nail.

Combining no health care, imprisonment and a few other ideas from Glen BRECK, Rush Oxycontin and Ann Couturier should should complete the dirty deeds.

Here are a few of the current attempts to criminalize being old and poor in America as outlined by Ms Ehrenreich in her brilliant article Sunday:

A new study from the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty,finds that the number of ordinances against the publicly poor has been rising since 2006, along with ticketing and arrests for more “neutral” infractions like jaywalking, littering or carrying an open container of alcohol.


I jaywalk just about every day but it's because my vision is so poor. I sometimes wander outside of the lines. Seventy eight years without an arrest and now I go to jail for jaywalking.No,they want me in jail because I am poor and old,not because I am almost blind and old.

I will be covering many similar prejudices affecting the old and poor in the next few days and weeks. Why? Because I am old and poor. Who better to write about it?

Tomorrow, "Crackdowns against the indigent," continues.

Monday, August 10, 2009



Believe me, I do not want to think bad about this President; I worked too hard to try and get him elected.Frank Rich does present a powerful case suggesting I,and millions like me,may have been conned. It's far too early to be sure but it's not too early to be anxious.

A real estate agent in Virginia put it this way:

“Nothing’s changed for the common guy,” she said. “I feel like I’ve been punked.” She cited in particular the billions of dollars in bailouts given to banks that still “act like they’re broke.”

There is no question that the banks are PUBLIC ENEMY NO. 1

Billions in billions of handouts from the government, 173 billion to be exact. They handed out 32 of those billions in bonuses to their employees so far this year and have only paid back 50 billion.

What have they done for us with all that money. Well I can tell you what they have done for me, a very old and very poor man living on my monthly SS check and my credit cards. One of those banks, J.P. Morgan Chase cut my credit line in half from 3500.00 to 1750.00 with no advance notice. Why? Who knows. I guess so their officers can sit in those 2500.00 a game boxes in the new Yankee Stadium.

I don't mind Kate Hudson sitting in them as at least we get some eye candy but those smug bank fat cats make me sick. Their ilk will be at the U.S. Tennis Open next month in Forest Hills.

So are the well off really getting burned in this recession/depression? NOT.

Continuing with Rich's brilliant expose of wealthy America.


These are the parasites Obama promised to clear out of D.C. NOT.

Most of them are ex-congressmen, both sides of the aisle. Face it we have no two party system,just one giant mob of corporate gluttons. As an example Rich cites Freedom Works an outfit run by ex congressman Dick Armey. Armey has received six million in fees in five years from this influence group.

The old saw about poor countries getting rich by declaring war on the U.S. and then surrendering has been replaced by one even more ironic. Run for congress,serve a few years and screw it up enough to insure your defeat.Then go join one of the corporate firms you pretended to be fighting while you were in office.

Where have you gone Tom Daschle, a nation turns it's lonely eyes to you??? You were supposed to be the guy who could get us a health plan. NOT.


Former congressman Billy Tauzin from Louisiana (where in hell would he be from with a first name of Billy?)

Billy boy switched from the Dems to the Gop,then lost.Now he is President of PHRMA,the largest pharmaceutical trade group.Obama used to blast PHRMA for allowing the large drug companies to keep their prices inflated.Now Billy boy is a key figure in the health care plan battle and has succeeded in persuading Obama to keep these very same drug prices inflated. Frank Rich,in this week's column, wants to know what is going on here?

Why do these pharmaceutical firms charge so much? I paid $120.00 last week for 90 Benicar pills for my high blood pressure. I have no inside info but dollars to Dunkin Donuts,those pills cost about a dime each to produce.

What do these drug pirates do with all that profit? They pay mini-skirt wearing bimbos 6 figure salaries to nuzzle up to their MD customers. That's a fact;the NY Times has written several articles about it during the past 5 years.

I had a friend who dated one of these "detailers". She owned 3 condos worth a half a mil each. She didn't know the difference between a tablet and a pill and never read a newspaper in her life. She made Sarah seem like a rocket scientist

They use those profits to pay for lobbyists to sit in the Yankee Stadium box seats.So I am,in effect, paying for those seats.

As a child I used to pay $5.00 for a bleacher seat there during the Great Depression. Now I watch the games on TV and observe what's wrong with a country that treats it's poor this way?

Re the other Op-Ed columnists I would normally write about today, Dowd and Friedman, their pieces on Sunday were not up to their usual quality. They seemed to be looking forward to their vacations and repeated stuff they had already written.

There was another column this week in this same Op-Ed section, written by a truly great journalist,author, Barbara Ehrenreich. The column was earthshaking to me



It influenced me so much that I am will comment on it in depth tomorrow and may change the direction of this blog beginning this week.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Does Your Computer Creep,Crawl and then Crash? Here is why!

weekend repeat of article originally published here on 7/23/09

It will run fast and smooth for many years but you have to do the routine maintenance recommended in this article!

Your personal computer, be it a laptop or a desktop can last you as long as a Volkswagen if you regularly perform some simple tasks.

My suggestions are based on my own personal experiences. I taught myself how to operate a PC in the earliest days of the Internet. I learned the hard way after repeated freezes and crashes. In those early days there was no google to go to for advice. The only way out of the simplest problem was to reboot. There were no preventive maintenance programs.

1.Do not trust the protection promised by your Internet Providers,Cable or Phone Company DSL providers or any other third party program. The "Lord helps those who protect themselves" is a good motto when you are dealing with millions of hackers who get their jollies from destroying your equipment.

Invest in a good top of the line software package and do not skimp on the price. Most are ineffective and a complete waste.

Besides the anti-virus feature they should also provide anti-spam, network security,anti-phishing,id protection, a two way firewall, anti-tracking devices,Internet worm protection, browser protection,intrusion preventions and web site authentication.

My personal favorite is the Norton Internet Security package. It is simple but incredibly effective. Run the scan feature at least once a week to see where your problems originate and delete the suspect programs. Once you have Norton installed you won't even know what horrible things are going on in the background because Norton cuts 99% of them off before they ever cause a critical problem.

Scan and delete the programs causing them anyway. Eventually they will wear your PC down much as an engine running with 2 year old engine oil in the crankcase of your car.

If your DSL constantly slows down until you would be better off with the old dial-up, be advised it is most likely a virus problem. Your DSL repairmen whether they be from Direct TV,Time-Warner, or Verizon will not tell you this as they understandably have to to justify their jobs.

The answerman tells you right now that almost all slow-down problems ruining your cyber experience are related to hidden infections you know nothing about!

Buy and install the Norton programs or equivalent software packages from reliable manufacturers. The times you are suddenly logged off will virtually disappear.
The Norton pkg costs about $89.00 at Staples, Best Buy etc.

2. Get a good Malaware program like Malwarebytes. Copy and paste this link in your browser window and then click on go:

This program scans your hard drive for worms, bugs,viruses etc which are already on your PC. It identifies them by name, Vondos,Trojan, etc and removes them with a quick reboot and restart.

Dell customer support showed me where to get a free download of this program but you might have to pay for it if you find it on your own.

3. Use the chkdsk feature, monthly. Run it at night while you are sleeping as it can take hours to complete:

Follow these instructions very carefully.

Click Start and then click My Computer.
Right-click the hard disk drive to scan, and click Properties.
In the Local Disk Properties window, click the Tools tab.
Click Check Now.
In the Check Disk Local Disk window, click to select the box next to Automatically fix file system errors.

It is advisable to select "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" to physically check the surface of the hard disk. However, this step increases the time it takes to complete the scan. What do you care? You will be snoring away.

Click Start. A prompt may appear to perform the scan the next time the computer restarts. If so, click Yes. The computer restarts and runs Checkdisk and you go to bed.

That's it. Actually its not as difficult as it sounds.If my instructions confuse you, ask the manufacturer of your PC to help you or google check disk.

There is an optional program, DEFRAG which you can also use but I don't think its that important.

Comments and topic suggestions welcomed and appreciated.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The four Villani sisters go to a USO dance to "cheer the boys up"


World War 11 has been going on for two years and the gals back home are getting restless

This week's excerpt from the World War 11 novel, S'mothered.....

Suzie suddenly stirred and asked, “does anyone feel like going to the USO dance? It’s still early enough to dress and make the 8:30 bus.”

Almost in unison, five of the six yelled back, “Let’s go, great idea Suzie.”

Lucy said she had a headache and Dorothy said she wanted to go, but had to ask Jimmy. She called to him across the hall, “Jimmy come over for a minute, have to ask you something Hon.”

Jimmy ambled over and she said “Hon, the girls are going to the USO dance at Camp Kilmer, I thought maybe I would go with them. We need to lift the morale of the soldiers there.”

Her husband looked at her with a devilish grin, grabbed her hand and said “No way Dorothy, get your tail across the hall and lift my morale.” He gently tugged on her arm,and merrily pulled her with him as she and the others laughed. Dorothy really would have enjoyed helping the soldiers by dancing with them, but she never crossed Jimmy when he made a decision. She liked his forceful nature and never apologized to anyone for her preference. Delightedly, she scampered after him.

This left the four sisters to kick up their heels tonight. They seldom went anywhere as a group. There was some slight friction between Suzie and the two younger siblings. They were all in a good mood tonight and, differences aside, they wanted to get out of the house. Lucy volunteered to watch over the children.

Quickly, they changed into almost identical outfits, tight hemmed, above the knee dresses, with padded over sized shoulders.

Susie laughed when she noticed and said, “Gina, put something different on; we can’t all wear the same outfit, we’ll look like we’re a singing group.” She was kidding as fabric had been rationed since the war started, so pleated and flared bottoms were out.

Vera sent a picture of herself dressed in this "home front uniform" to Alan before he was captured, he wrote back and kidded that "she looked like a carrot."

The bus ride took 45 minutes, so they were in the huge hall at the Military base by 9:30. The Bobbie Troup band was playing “In the Mood” as the girls entered.

The floor was packed with dancers and hundreds of soldiers milling around them, hungry for a woman to dance with. It was a woman’s paradise. There were twenty servicemen for every one female. Most of these soldiers hadn’t been near a woman, since they left home. They would dance with anyone they could get their hands on.

Tomorrow they might be on their way to Europe, to relieve the exhausted and wounded soldiers at the Normandy beachheads. A few days later, many of them would be dead._

The girls hurried to the rest room, freshened their lipstick, and returned to the hall where soldiers of all shapes and sizes pounced on them. Whisked onto the floor, they waved to each other, laughing, smiling, and feeling alive for the first time in weeks.

As usual, the oldest G.I. snatched Gina. She looked over at Jenny, frowning, as if to say “what can I do?”

Vera was being pushed around the floor by a chubby guy who was perspiring and looking anywhere but at her. Obviously, he hadn’t danced much and was painfully shy.

Her sisters were trying to smother their laughs with their hands.

Jenny was so thin you could lose her in a crowd like this. She seemed to be enjoying herself with the handsome tall soldier who was holding her, as if she might break. She had an attractive, if not classic face, but even her hair was thin, and it detracted from her wholesomeness. She looked malnourished and yet was always eating. Gina, Vera and Suzie could not figure out why she stayed so thin. Their mom said it was because she was so nervous.

Suzie had been spirited away by a broad shouldered, confident looking guy from Chicago who reminded her a little of her first husband. Within five minutes, he had told her his life story and then gradually drew her closer and closer. By the time, the band played the first slow dance of the night it was obvious he was making a play for her. He had spotted her when she came in the door.

She looked gorgeous; her brunette hair appeared streaked with a rainbow of colors because of the revolving show lights.

This used to happen to her frequently, and she was flattered by the soldier. Her husband, Hank would be home before too much longer. She would be thirty-four by then. Anxiety about her age consumed her. The attention from this stranger made her feel she was still desirable. She smiled to herself, recalling the married guy in the smoking car on her trip to California.

Her over amorous dancing partner was Tom Tilleson. He was from Illinois, twenty-eight, married two years, with one child. She was feeling some tingling in her body as he held her even tighter. She soon stopped worrying about her age.

He used all his charm telling her how pretty she was “Suzie, I have to tell you, we have good-looking dames back in Illinois but none like you. Hon. you are bewitching.”

She liked his description; many times she felt like a witch when she was with men. Without a man for more than two years, Suzie felt herself melting in this soldier’s arms. Looking into his dark blue eyes, she whispered in his ear “you know I’m married, don't you Tom?” Actually, she had told him so an hour ago when he began moving his body seductively closer to her.

He smiled and said “and you know I’m married honey bun. What’s the difference? Your husband and I will both probably be dead before this god damn war is over so who will know then? Let's go outside for a minute and have a smoke.”

She hesitated, wondering what her husband was doing at this very moment, thousands of miles from here. She knew him and his friends visited Manila when they had a weekend pass. Manila was a big, gaudy city with many clubs and varieties of nightlife.

What if Hank was putting moves on some sexy Asian girl in Manilla while Tom, from Chicago, was making moves on her here in Edison, New Jersey.

The two drinks she drank since they arrived were very strong; she felt dizzy. Tom helped support her, while almost pulling her through the door out into the cool dark night. She hoped her sister's didn’t notice her leaving. The crowded room was oppressively stuffy and the hour of continuous dancing combined with her sexual longings left her very vulnerable.

Suzie had fantasized about this scenario for a long, long time, especially on the hot sticky nights when she thrashed around in bed unable to sleep. It was torturous and humiliating, the crowded room she slept in, with her sister’s beds just a few feet away, too uncomfortable and awkward for any kind of relief.

She could have stopped his touching or tried to cool him off with her hands. Now it was too late. What he had said inside about the war had her angry and at the same time confused. This war had gone on forever; millions of men had been killed already. She was getting old and her beauty would soon start to fade.

She wanted him as much as he wanted her. Many years ago, she had vowed never again to let a man see her so sexually needy. She rationalized this thought away quickly; this was a man she would never see again after tonight, why not let herself go?

Outside now, there were too many lights near the building, too much noise, smokers talking and laughing. They walked further and further away from the crowd until they were near a wooded area. It was pitch black. They could hardly see each other.

Placing a cigarette between her lips, he lit it, let her inhale a few times, then tore it from her mouth, and stomped on it with his shoe. Grabbing her roughly, bending her over gently, he kissed her deeply, as passionately as she had ever been kissed in her life. She returned it with desperation and sadness. The world had gone mad and she and this lonely soldier had also lost their minds. Any thoughts of Hank had vanished in the cool dry air.

She tore at his clothes before he could try to undress her and in minutes, they were laying almost naked on the damp, soft earth, intertwined and moaning. She came almost instantly and he soon followed. Two years of frustration flowed out of her, and she wept softly in his arms. They lay together for what must have been 30 minutes or so, nodding off into a relaxed, barely conscious state.

Suzie heard someone calling her name and awoke with a start, momentarily unaware of her surroundings on this moonless night. She recognized the voice as Jenny’s and sprang to her feet.

Kicking at Tom with one foot while attempting to dress herself, she called back to Jenny “Be right there Jen, we went for a walk, it was too stuffy in there.” Tom finally got himself straightened out and the two of them slowly walked toward Jenny’s voice.

Suzie looked a mess and could only imagine what Jenny would be thinking but was grateful it wasn’t Gina who had been sent to find her.

Jenny was almost apologetic, very in character. “Sorry to bother you Sis, the bus is loading, and we couldn’t find you anywhere, we have to run, c’mon let's go, hurry.”

Suzie wanted to give this man, no longer a stranger, a good-bye kiss, but Jenny was dragging her away. She shouted back over her shoulder at him as they ran to catch the bus “thanks for a nice evening soldier, maybe we’ll see you again. We come here every couple of weeks."

He was shipping out to France the following week and thought about asking for her number or address but decided not to embarrass her.

She never saw him again.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Where can you cool off on an August weekend without running into Sarah Palin?


Sunny warm days and cool,sometimes very cool nights, with low humidity.

Gorgeous scenic rides through the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Harrah's Cherokee Casino for your gambling compulsions.

Fishing in huge mountain lakes and streams.

White Water Rafting.

Quaint downtown shops,museums, outdoor cafes.

Check it out here:note:please copy and paste links into your browser

Places to eat:"

What to do:

Here are the best places to stay:

And my personal reason to recommend Asheville,N.C.? It is the birthplace of my all time favorite author and I think the greatest novelist of his time, Thomas Wolfe ("You Can't Go Home Again"). How true it is.

Visit the museum at:

Have a great time!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

40 Years Ago We Let Science Blind Us.

On July 20,1969 the first human being set foot on the moon.

There are anniversaries of momentous events which will live in earth's history long beyond any time frame we can imagine. Thousands of years possibly?

There is only one event in human history which will live on forever and that is the first moon landing. This was and will always be so because this involves the history of not just one planet but the universe itself.

Many of the astronauts and other key figures of that event have written books recently about the mind boggling adventure.

I think Buzz Aldrin wrote the most touching book, "Magnificent Desolation" because it was about more than his participation in that moment. A recovering alcoholic,Aldrin also writes about his infidelity, divorce and and his depression. He lends a spiritual view to an event which unfortunately was anything but spiritual.

The flight would never have taken place if we were not racing Russia to land on the moon before they did. It was like a Super Bowl or a World Series. One group of humans trying to beat another group of similar creatures to an out of body experience.

Here are a couple of excerpts from Aldrin's book-

He writes about the mission’s iconic images, including the ones he shot of his footprint:

“Framed in the photo was the evidence of man on the moon—a single footprint. . . . That’s kind of lonely looking, I thought. So I’d better put my boot down, and then move my boot away from the print, but only slightly so it’s still in the frame. . . .

We were sightseeing, looking back and seeing the gradually diminishing size of the back side of the moon, and I think most everyone who’s seen it would say the crater named after the Russian pioneer Tsiolkovsky is probably the most unique feature that stands out. You gotta take our word for it,” he says, his voice becoming slightly mischievous, “because only 24 people have seen it, plus the cameras.

Some warm human reactions to an event controlled and smothered by scientists.

I like the comments from Andrew Chaikin, author of "Voices from the Moon"
Chaikin has interviewed 23 of the 24 Apollo astronauts - and all 12 who set foot on the lunar surface. I share his viewpoint of the tragedy of the moon landing.

"If there is one common thread I would say for the moon walkers, it's the fact that they really didn't have a lot of time while they were on the moon to stop and take in the experience," Chaikin said.

"They were so over committed, their timelines were so full, that it really was in kind of stolen moments that they were able to look around and absorb the awesome reality of being on another world."

"Seeing the Earth shrink to the size of your outstretched thumb is kind of put things in perspective - how you see the pluses and minuses of daily life," said Chaikin.

Why were these incredibly brave explorers so rushed?

Because the scientists and the politicians who paid the bill, insisted they send back hundreds of moon rocks so we could prove we were actually there.

As you know there are, to this day thousands, possibly millions of people who believe this whole event was staged in a NASA studio;that in fact, we never did go to the moon. It was all a gigantic hoax, even bigger that the Kennedy assassination and the holocaust reporting.

I think conspiracy theorists should be considered insane until they can prove they are sane. Sort of a reverse twist on the "innocent until proven guilty" credo.

Getting back to the moon landing, wouldn't it be great if the scientists could have at least put aside one hour for one astronaut. (there were three of them and they were on the moon for 7 hours)

To just let him sit with a tape recorder and meditate as he viewed the earth and recorded his thoughts for posterity?

Ask yourself. If we had such a recording of his meditation, would it be more inspiring to you than looking at the moon rocks in a museum?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The 5 most important vitamins and minerals you must take.Some others you should take and a few that are worthless..

Where you should buy them,Vitamin World,Vitamin Shoppes or GNC.

First some general information:

There are water soluble vitamins and there are fat soluble vitamins. You should use them in accepted dosages. Using water soluble pills in higher dosages than recommended are very unlikely to give you side effects. Using fat soluble supplements in higher than recommended dosages will quite likely cause side effects . Buyer beware!

Do not take the word of a clerk or owner in a health,vitamin or alternative foods, retail or Internet outlet. They are salesmen, not nutrition experts.

So who do I advise you to trust for the info you need?

Your number one source should be people , like myself, who have used these supplements for an extended period of time without any side effects at all. I recommend you do not believe anyone who has taken them less than 5 years and preferably much longer.

Most of the items I tout in this post will be products I have used for over 30 years. If I have used them for less than that I will specify the time frame.

I make no outrageous claims for them but will tell you my personal experiences.

Before we start let me distinguish between individual supplements and multi-vitamin and mineral products. I have never taken any multi-vitamins. I feel they are a waste of money. Billions of dollars go down the drain each day. There is not enough of any specific product in a multi to achieve the results they promise.

You should make an exception for children under 10; trying to get them to swallow any pill is difficult enough for a parent. The multi's will not help them much but won't hurt them. Starting them at a young age will introduce them to a healthy routine which may serve them well as adults.

Here are the top 5 you must take for your entire life:

The dosages listed are what I personally have settled on after decades of adjustments,see the labels for recommended dosages. Another important caution. If you are scheduled for upcoming surgery cut down on all these products for 2 weeks before.


The MOST important of them all. If you only take one of these products,this is the one to take. Take no more than 200 Mg daily. A famous radio nutritionist, Carlton Fredericks, way back in the 1960's praised this product as the most powerful anti-oxidant.

I started taking it that time and have never stopped. Which disease scares you the most? Selenium is not a mineral which you can take for immediate benefits. In order to ward off life threatening cell destruction and possible malignancies, it must be taken all your life in small doses. I am sure medical science will establish this in the next few years.

B-50 Complex

Very crucial for your nerves. One tablet daily.

To prove to yourself this one works, ask any one over 70 to extend their right arm all the way out and see if their hand shakes or is steady as a rock . Mine is very steady

If it shakes, and assuming they do not have a nerve disease, you can be pretty sure they are not getting enough B-50. Ask them anyway. Put your doctor through this test as well.


1200 mg daily for men, 1800 mg for women. This is the most vital supplement a woman can take. The surgeon general should be doing more to warn woman about calcium deficiencies.

When you see a woman stooped over ask her how many years she has been taking calcium. Very likely none. I recently took a bone density test. The nurse's aid who administered the test said I had the bone density of a man in his 20's.

Omega 3 Fish Oil-

Dosage depends on your age. I take 1000 mg daily but if you are middle aged, you can get by with 500. This is an important heart supplement. Even doctors recommend this so you know it is safe. Md's do not go out on a limb. Ask eskimos; even ask Sarah Palin.


No more than 15mg a day. The immunity pill. Discredited recently in double blind studies but at this level it will do you a lot more good than orange juice and it's a lot less expensive.

Second tier of recommendations, again based on my personal experience only

Saw Palmetto -

For men only. After age 45 men should take about 250 mg daily, increasing to 500 after 60 and to at least 1000 after age 70. I have been taking 2000mg a day for last 10 years, substantially less when I was younger. I do not have to get up at night to go to the bathroom. All older men have enlarged prostates and could benefit by taking saw palmetto. I believe most doctors take this herbal extract but they could never admit it,not even to their wives.

Cranberry extract-

I take 500 mg daily but 100 is enough for most men. Women need a little more. Prevents bladder infections and relieves symptoms if you already have an infection.

Magnesium-chelated amino acid

Lots of controversy about this one so be safe and limit intake to 5 mg daily. At one time I took 20mg but when a supplement is involved in any controversy at all I err on the side of caution.

Chromium Picolinate-

Regulates blood sugar. Five years ago I tested borderline for high blood sugar. I started taking 400mg of this mineral daily and have been fine since; my blood is tested yearly.

Vitamin E-

No more than 200 iu daily. E has been discredited but I don't believe the data. In any event, at 200 iu dosage, it will never harm you.

Two new "wonder" pills. These are too new to confirm results after long term use but I take them both and can still write a blog post 4 to 5 times a week so go figure.


A heart pill you will be hearing a lot about in the next decade if the pharmaceutical lobby doesn't hush it up. I take 50 mg a day;some people I know take a lot more but they have had heart problems. I walk 4 miles a day and have never had angina.


A bioflavenoid FOR MEN ONLY. Women and children should not take this until further studies are completed. It works for men by activating saw palmetto and reducing prostate enlargement.I take 50 mg a day but no dosage established as yet.

MSM and Glucosomine-

Both are for age related joint pain.i take small dosage of MSM but have side effects from glucosomine so i don't take any. Its the only one my doctor recommends I do take and the only one I don't. I think its no better than a sugar pill and too expensive for me anyway. Remember doctors are human and very much influenced by pharmaceutical detailers.


These are unproven "rage of the month" items. Don't waste money on these. Go out and buy a good brandy instead. You will feel just as energized.

Acai,ginkgo.milk thistle,red yeast rice,garlic (except in pasta).All work only as placebos.

All herbal teas. They will eventually render you comatose. See my recent post from the archives about the benefits of a dark,bitter,strong,bold coffee. Life is short. Why sedate yourself with these deadening ,life sapping witches brews. You might just as well take anti-depressants or tranquilizers if you want to sleep your life away.

Where to shop?

Vitamin World is where I have shopped for 30 years. Definitely the least expensive of the major chains.

Vitamin Shoppes has the largest supply but overcharges customers for the one stop convenience.

General Nutrition Co, GNC may be the oldest.They are very sparsely stocked,very very expensive and they cater to the pumping iron set.

I would never buy any of my stuff at drug stores or supermarkets. This is serious to me.You wouldn't buy your dog's food at a gas station would you? Humans are just as important as animals.

Hope I have helped you. If not, take two aspirins and call your doctor in the morning.

Monday, August 3, 2009

OP-ED MONDAY. Palestine Settlements, Julie & Julia, and Obama's favorite beer?.

Frank Rich- Right so often it's scary.

Small Beer, Big Hangover!

The title of this week's Rich column,of course, refers to the tete a tete President Obama arranged this week between Gates and Crowley, the policeman and the prof..No hard stuff here, just suds and pretzels.

Obama played to the masses and had a Bud Light.

In 2042, Whites will be a minority in this country. Rich says this is panicking the "Establishment"and they are coming at the first black president as if it were all his fault.

Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly don't think he was born here and not sure if he is even black but just in case they are staking their claim right now so no bridges can be named after him 10 years from now.

Glen Beck (the Breck gal) labeled Barack as a racist with a deep seated hatred for white people.

Cokie Roberts attacked him for vacationing in Hawaii, a foreign exotic place and said he should go to Myrtle Beach. Wow that got my attention as I live in the Myrtle Beach area and thought it was the most foreign place on earth.

Palin lashed out at those who doubt the President's citizenship. She said he definitely is an American but not a real American. God love her.

Lou Dobbs harrumphed and said I told you so; we shouldn't let anyone in this country.

Rich sums it all up by ending his usual great column with this:

"The one lesson that everyone took away from the latest “national conversation about race” is the same one we’ve taken away from every other “national conversation” in the past couple of years. America has not transcended race. America is not post racial. So we can all say that again. But it must also be said that we’re just at the start of what may be a 30-year struggle. Beer won’t cool the fury of those who can’t accept the reality that America’s racial profile will no longer reflect their own."

Maureen Dowd-That's why the lady is a champ.

Maureen reports on her interview with noted author and filmmaker, Nora Ephron. When Dowd does an interview it takes us a few paragraphs to be sure it is a real interview and not a hypothetical one. This week it's a real one.

Ephron has had some hot movie successes, Heartburn,When Harry Met Sally,Sleepless in Seattle and some not so hot ones,Hanging Up. Her new movie, starring Merle Streep is based on the famous chef, Julia Childs and a blogger cookbook fanatic.

"Julie and Julia" opens this Friday. Let's hope it revives Streep's career after the tragic "Mamma Mia" role.

The funniest Q & A's in Dowd's interview with Ephron:

"Q: Do couples that cook together stay together?
A: No. I have cooked with men I am no longer married to.

"Q: Do you consider any food a romantic deal-breaker?
A: I respect vegetarians, but I could never fall in love with one."

"Q: You told Ariel Levy of The New Yorker that your husband,the writer NickPileggi, has“some insane position about not eating standing up.” What’s that about?
A: He has nice ties"

"Q: How about the case of the South Carolina mother who got arrested for criminal neglect because her 14-year-old son weighed 555 pounds?
A: There is far too much arresting of people going on.Not just Skip Gates. A couple of weeks ago, some poor woman in Montauk was arrested in her bathing suit, marched off the beach and charged with a felony for forging a beach parking sticker."

Funny column.

Thomas Friedman-The world is flat but this writer is not.

Friedman offers Free Marriage Counseling to our country and the Israelis over the settlements issue. Obama has called for a freeze and Israel thinks he has been listening to the "self-hating jews" in his inner circle.

They also think American just doesn't appreciate how much they have already given up in South Lebanon and Gaza. This is no time for a freeze as they see it. Rabbi Yigael Shandorfi, in Nahliel, called Obama “that Arab they call a president.” Holy cow, even Lou Dobbs didn't call him that.

The part of this column I liked best was what Thomas Friedman's friend told him.
“People will give a lot if they think they are not guilty. My mother says to me: ‘Look, I am ready to give them Jerusalem, but don’t tell me that I started it.’” Darn,I should have told the moving company that mugged me on April 15th that they were innocent.

Friedman concludes his marriage counseling with this advice to our President, "Connect with them on a gut level that says you understand where they live, and you can take them anywhere. Don’t connect on a gut level, and you can’t take them anywhere.

An extremely complicated problem that very few columnists, other than this one, could clarify.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Would Allowing Priests to Wed Solve the Pedophilia Problem? (A weekend repeat)

No because priests don't want to get married!

Priests are gay. Of course, many do not know they are when they enter the priesthood.

The enforced celibacy they willingly sign on for is tantamount to undergoing a form of castration

A sane, heterosexual, straight men would not voluntarily submit to such a life. It is inhuman!It is against all the laws of nature.

Actually there is nothing wrong with gay men becoming priests.

There is everything wrong when these men are pedophiles and for obvious reasons most of these men are gay pedophiles.

Why? Let me give you my theory.

A gay man can find zillions of lovers outside of the priesthood, but if he goes into the priesthood he can have his cake and eat it too.

What I mean by that is that then he can can spend his life in a helping profession, find spiritual fulfillment and as an added bonus meet similarly inclined spiritual men rather than hanging in gay bars and meeting losers.

Not so with gay pedophiles.

They cannot find lovers on the outside because they aren't looking for lovers. they are looking for victims.

So celibacy is not the real problem.

The problem is the priesthood itself,and the Bishops and the Cardinals and the numero uno desperado,the Pope.

They are all involved in the greatest, most sinister cover-up in history.

The problem is organized religion and the tremendous amount of money which is needed to sustain it. The tax protection given to Churches should be eliminated as a first step.

Corruption always exists side by side with high finances. It's a lot more easy to look the other way on the pedophilia problem when there is so much money at stake. That's exactly why the church hierarchy has let this go on for so many hundreds of years.

Certainly they assumed they would never be found out.They never thought for a minute they could be caught. They could go to Sunday dinner at the home of the boys they were molesting. Why it would be sacrilegious for the boys parents to even entertain such a thought. They would got straight to hell.

What a weapon to hold in your hands.First understand human nature. We don't want to believe our fellow human beings are capable of such evil.

This is why we glorify criminals instead of believing their victims. It's why a surgeon can leave us crippled and we hesitate to press charges of malpractice.It is why women fall in love with vicious criminals on death row.

The fear of ever doubting the motives of a priest was taught in Sunday school, and has been shouted into the souls of men for centuries in sermons by these sexually frustrated men.

Go back into the archives of the daily Question Blog and read the June 30th post titled "Is God Dead" based on the book by Nietzsche "Thus Spake Zarathustra."

The essence of Nietzsche's thought is that God was killed by pity and that the murder was an inside job.

The first Apostles,who were in fact the first priests, set Jesus up as a mythological creator who suffered for us. If we would be saved from fire and brimstone in the life hereafter we must suffer here on this earth for him.

Now I am not a biblical expert but I know that is not what Jesus taught.

How easy to spread the gospel when you use pity as a tool. I read a classic novel many years ago dealing with the subject of pity, The Red and the Black by StendahL.

Pity and empathy are not the same. Pity leads to lack of empathy. It leads to suppressed anger and expresses itself ultimately as trivialization which is the opposite of empathy.

That is why religious pedophilia is being criminally trivialized to this day.

There is too much pity and trivialization in this world.Empathy has just about disappeared. There are people going around denying that slavery ever existed.They also contend that there was no holocaust.By 2020 They will obliterate the history of these molesting priests in a similar manner.

Will close with this:

The Catholic church, according to an editorial comment in the Sunday NY Times, is presently investigating whether "nuns (women) are living in fidelity to religious life".

How's that for changing the subject.

Are they implying the nuns are lesbians? Centuries of indifference to gay priests and now suddenly the problem is the Sisters?


PS: some updates on this topic since this post was originally published:

Since 2002, a government-funded compensation board has paid out more than euro900 million ($1.25 billion) to about 12,000 people abused in church-run facilities for children since the 1930s.

In May, a 2,600-page report into that scandal concluded that Catholic orders of nuns, priests and brothers who ran state-funded orphanages, workhouses and reformatories for Ireland's poorest children were guilty of shielding hundreds, if not thousands, of known abusers within their ranks. Crimes documented included ritual beatings, rape, and lying to children that their parents were dead. The last of those church-run facilities closed in the 1990s.

James Patrick Grady, Pastor of St. Raphael The Archangel in south St. Louis, was arrested Wednesday night by local police and the FBI after he showed up at a secret location somewhere in St. Louis County. Grady, 57, had been exchanging emails with an undercover investigator, and had agreed to pay $80 for oral sex from a 16-year-old girl, court documents allege.

And here is as expected a typical reaction from the church school official at Grady's parish:

Ann Perryman, the school board president, emerged saying, "It was a completely isolated incident, I believe." She added, "I think he had a moment of weakness