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Sunday, July 5, 2009



(some funny and some very serious)

Maureen Dowd, Op Ed,Sunday's NY Times,as usual,sums it up best:

Sarah wants to leave and Sanford wants to stay.

GOP turning gray?

Dowd's tongue in cheek 2012 Ticket....... Palin/Sanford ?

FWIW: Can Ken and Barbi succeed where GW failed?

Great NFL QB(Steve McNair) meets untimely end in possible murder/suicide!

South Carolina serial killer still on the loose.
FWIW: How in hell can one determine who's a serial killer in a state where every citizen carries a gun??

Foreclosures in progress soar to 844,389.

Serena and Roger win again at Wimbledon.
FWIW: No Ken/Barbi here, just two raw talented, legendary tennis greats who deserve all the accolades.

Memorial at Staples Center Tuesday for Michael Jackson.
FWIW:King of pop was King of popsicles and never was my cup of tea.... but memorial is appropriate because of his talent.
Certainly not for the life he lived, no way.

Safety Net Fraying for the Very Poor... Page 15 of Sunday NY Times.
Because of the recession/depression, fewer families are being pulled out of the "deepest poverty" demo., defined as income below half the poverty level threshold.
FWIW: I have lived below the poverty threshold for most of the past 13 years.However I am grateful I do not qualify for the new "deep poverty" level.Thank God for Franklin Delano Roosevelt!

Bernie Madoff,71, sentenced to 150 years.
FWIW: Lenient Judge could have given him life

FWIW: If i was 20 years younger I would marry Maureen Dowd,the smartest woman in America.

That's it for today.