On July 20,1969 the first human being set foot on the moon.
There are anniversaries of momentous events which will live in earth's history long beyond any time frame we can imagine. Thousands of years possibly?
There is only one event in human history which will live on forever and that is the first moon landing. This was and will always be so because this involves the history of not just one planet but the universe itself.
Many of the astronauts and other key figures of that event have written books recently about the mind boggling adventure.
I think Buzz Aldrin wrote the most touching book, "Magnificent Desolation" because it was about more than his participation in that moment. A recovering alcoholic,Aldrin also writes about his infidelity, divorce and and his depression. He lends a spiritual view to an event which unfortunately was anything but spiritual.
The flight would never have taken place if we were not racing Russia to land on the moon before they did. It was like a Super Bowl or a World Series. One group of humans trying to beat another group of similar creatures to an out of body experience.
Here are a couple of excerpts from Aldrin's book-
There are anniversaries of momentous events which will live in earth's history long beyond any time frame we can imagine. Thousands of years possibly?
There is only one event in human history which will live on forever and that is the first moon landing. This was and will always be so because this involves the history of not just one planet but the universe itself.
Many of the astronauts and other key figures of that event have written books recently about the mind boggling adventure.
I think Buzz Aldrin wrote the most touching book, "Magnificent Desolation" because it was about more than his participation in that moment. A recovering alcoholic,Aldrin also writes about his infidelity, divorce and and his depression. He lends a spiritual view to an event which unfortunately was anything but spiritual.
The flight would never have taken place if we were not racing Russia to land on the moon before they did. It was like a Super Bowl or a World Series. One group of humans trying to beat another group of similar creatures to an out of body experience.
Here are a couple of excerpts from Aldrin's book-
He writes about the mission’s iconic images, including the ones he shot of his footprint:
“Framed in the photo was the evidence of man on the moon—a single footprint. . . . That’s kind of lonely looking, I thought. So I’d better put my boot down, and then move my boot away from the print, but only slightly so it’s still in the frame. . . .
We were sightseeing, looking back and seeing the gradually diminishing size of the back side of the moon, and I think most everyone who’s seen it would say the crater named after the Russian pioneer Tsiolkovsky is probably the most unique feature that stands out. You gotta take our word for it,” he says, his voice becoming slightly mischievous, “because only 24 people have seen it, plus the cameras.
Some warm human reactions to an event controlled and smothered by scientists.
I like the comments from Andrew Chaikin, author of "Voices from the Moon"
Chaikin has interviewed 23 of the 24 Apollo astronauts - and all 12 who set foot on the lunar surface. I share his viewpoint of the tragedy of the moon landing.
"If there is one common thread I would say for the moon walkers, it's the fact that they really didn't have a lot of time while they were on the moon to stop and take in the experience," Chaikin said.
"They were so over committed, their timelines were so full, that it really was in kind of stolen moments that they were able to look around and absorb the awesome reality of being on another world."
"Seeing the Earth shrink to the size of your outstretched thumb is kind of put things in perspective - how you see the pluses and minuses of daily life," said Chaikin.
Why were these incredibly brave explorers so rushed?
Because the scientists and the politicians who paid the bill, insisted they send back hundreds of moon rocks so we could prove we were actually there.
As you know there are, to this day thousands, possibly millions of people who believe this whole event was staged in a NASA studio;that in fact, we never did go to the moon. It was all a gigantic hoax, even bigger that the Kennedy assassination and the holocaust reporting.
I think conspiracy theorists should be considered insane until they can prove they are sane. Sort of a reverse twist on the "innocent until proven guilty" credo.
Getting back to the moon landing, wouldn't it be great if the scientists could have at least put aside one hour for one astronaut. (there were three of them and they were on the moon for 7 hours)
To just let him sit with a tape recorder and meditate as he viewed the earth and recorded his thoughts for posterity?
Ask yourself. If we had such a recording of his meditation, would it be more inspiring to you than looking at the moon rocks in a museum?
Chaikin has interviewed 23 of the 24 Apollo astronauts - and all 12 who set foot on the lunar surface. I share his viewpoint of the tragedy of the moon landing.
"If there is one common thread I would say for the moon walkers, it's the fact that they really didn't have a lot of time while they were on the moon to stop and take in the experience," Chaikin said.
"They were so over committed, their timelines were so full, that it really was in kind of stolen moments that they were able to look around and absorb the awesome reality of being on another world."
"Seeing the Earth shrink to the size of your outstretched thumb is kind of put things in perspective - how you see the pluses and minuses of daily life," said Chaikin.
Why were these incredibly brave explorers so rushed?
Because the scientists and the politicians who paid the bill, insisted they send back hundreds of moon rocks so we could prove we were actually there.
As you know there are, to this day thousands, possibly millions of people who believe this whole event was staged in a NASA studio;that in fact, we never did go to the moon. It was all a gigantic hoax, even bigger that the Kennedy assassination and the holocaust reporting.
I think conspiracy theorists should be considered insane until they can prove they are sane. Sort of a reverse twist on the "innocent until proven guilty" credo.
Getting back to the moon landing, wouldn't it be great if the scientists could have at least put aside one hour for one astronaut. (there were three of them and they were on the moon for 7 hours)
To just let him sit with a tape recorder and meditate as he viewed the earth and recorded his thoughts for posterity?
Ask yourself. If we had such a recording of his meditation, would it be more inspiring to you than looking at the moon rocks in a museum?